
Does The Usa Recognice Foreign Registered Partnerships

Last checked: 02/04/2022

Civil unions and registered partnerships

In several Eu countries, you tin can make your partnership official without getting married with a civil union or registered partnership.

Ceremonious unions allow 2 people who live together every bit a couple to register their relationship with the relevant public authority in their country of residence.

Differences between European union countries in this field are huge, and include:

  • whether yous can enter into a civil union in a specific land
  • what a civil union entitles you to
  • whether a specific country recognises a civil union contracted abroad

Cheque which rules apply to you

Are 2 or more than European union countries involved – for example because you motion later registering, or register away?

Property rights and maintenance rights for people in registered partnerships are not applied the same way in all EU countries. The rights coming from your registered partnership in one country may be essentially different in another.

Find out which country's laws apply to your partnershipOpen as an external link – they will take important consequences for your rights and obligations as registered partners.

Recognition of ceremonious unions

Civil unions and registered partnerships are considered equivalent or comparable to marriage in some Eu countries.

All countries that allow aforementioned-sex activity marriages mostly recognise same-sex registered partnerships ended in other countries.

In countries which exercise not allow same-sex marriages simply which have introduced some form of registered partnership, a same-sex matrimony abroad by and large gives you the same rights equally a registered partnership.

However, the laws of these EU countries practise not provide for registered partnerships:

  • Bulgaria
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Poland
  • Romania
  • Slovakia

Moving abroad with your civil partner

Where civil unions are considered equivalent or comparable to marriage, they requite yous the same rights for immigration purposes: your registered partner volition be entitled to come with you if you settle in these countries.

If yous desire to movement to an EU country which does non recognise registered partnerships at all, your partnership will exist considered as a duly attested long-term relationship. Your host country must facilitate the entry and residence of your partner.

Read more on your right to residence abroad

Sample story

Able to stay – thanks to registered partnership

Nina is an entrepreneur from EU state "A" who was exploring a business organisation opportunity in country "B" and wanted her registered partner Hans – unemployed at the time – to join her at that place.

Although land "B" does non recognise registered partnerships, the existence of the partnership served as proof that the two had a long-term relationship, and Hans was immune to motility there with Nina, even without financial resources of his own.

Does The Usa Recognice Foreign Registered Partnerships,


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